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Does Masturbation Raise Testosterone Levels

One of the many things attributed to masturbation is the fact that it affects testosterone levels. As is the case with several other misconceptions concerning masturbation, this one is certainly not accurate. Does the act of masturbation raise testosterone levels? No, masturbation ...

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Are There Any Sex Toys For Men With ED?

Question: Which sex toys can men use if they have erectile dysfunction? Answer: The most common sex aids currently available include constriction bands, dildos, vibrators, vacuum devices, external erectile support devices, and aids to positioning. Despite their potential broad application in ...

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Does Ashwagandha Increase Penis Size?

Question: Can taking ashwagandha increase your penis size? Answer: There’s little scientific support for the claim that ashwagandha can increase testosterone level, but no evidence to support that it can increase the penis size. ...

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Does Penis Size Matter?

Question: Does the size of a penis matter? Answer: It’s very important to understand your partner’s needs and desires because that’s the real key for a healthy sexual relationship, where the hype of penis size doesn’t really matter. The size of ...

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What is the Average Penis Size?

Question: What is the size of an average penis? Answer: The size of a non-erect penis doesn’t consistently predict size when the penis is erected. Normal penis size is about 13 cm (5 inches) or longer when erect. A ...

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