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What is the difference between Cialis vs Stendra?

When considering Cialis vs Stendra to treat erectile dysfunction, there are advantages and disadvantages associated with both medications. Stendra is one of the most fast-acting erectile dysfunction drugs, typically producing an erection in 15-30 minutes. Cialis takes a little longer to start working, because it takes more time for your body to absorb the active ingredient.

On the other hand, Cialis lasts up to 36 hours for some men, while Stendra keeps working for up to 6 hours. Of course, that also means that the side effects of Cialis can last longer. Both medications have similar side effects, including headache and back pain. When it comes to cost, Cialis is usually about 20% more expensive than Stendra.

Only you and your physician can decide which ED drug is right for you. Discuss your current health, medical history, and lifestyle choices with your doctor before choosing a treatment for erectile dysfunction.

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