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What is Cialis?

Cialis, also known as tadalafil, is a drug commonly prescribed to treat erectile dysfunction. This medication can be beneficial, because it helps to increase blood flow and relax the muscles in certain parts of the body, including the penis. In ...

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What is the cost of Viagra without a prescription

A few websites sell brand name Viagra manufactured by Pfizer Laboratories, even if you don’t have a prior prescription. Beware of so-called generic Viagra, which accounts for approximately half of the Viagra sold online. Because the FDA has not approved ...

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Is there a generic Viagra?

The United States government considers generic Viagra to be an illegal substance, because no generic forms of Viagra have been FDA approved. There is no way to determine the ingredients or quality of generic Viagra. Counterfeit Viagra costs less, but when ...

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What is the cost of Viagra at Walmart?

The average cost of Viagra at Walmart is approximately $31.57 per 100mg tablet. You can purchase Viagra online for about the same price per tablet, or sometimes even less. Plus, it makes sense to shop online for Viagra when you ...

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When is the Viagra patent expiration date?

Pfizer patented Viagra in 1996. Though the patent has already expired in some parts of the world, the United States patent will not expire until 2019. Viagra is the most copied drug in the world. There are countless unscrupulous online ...

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