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Is Viagra or Other ED Drugs Covered Under a Person’s Health Care Prescription Drug Plan?

Q. After getting a prescription from my doctor, I recently began taking Viagra, which is working just fine for me. However, the pills are more expensive than I can readily afford. Are Viagra and the other oral ED drugs usually covered under health care insurer’s prescription drug plans?

A. If your health care insurance includes reimbursement for prescription medications, you’ll have to check to determine whether ED drugs such as Viagra are covered. Be warned that many plans do not offer such coverage. Medicare’s Part D prescription coverage doesn’t reimburse for ED drugs. However, some relief from high prices is just around the corner. The arrival of generic competition beginning in December 2017 will help to bring prices down. The more generics that enter the market, the lower the average price for the drug will drop. In the meantime, you may be able to reduce what you pay for the drug by using manufacturer discounts and coupons.

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