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Is Staxyn covered by insurance?

The coverage — or lack thereof — of Staxyn and other PDE5 inhibitors varies from one health insurance plan to another, although a number of plans don’t cover any of these impotence drugs. Among those that do, the insured may be limited to a set number of doses per month that can be covered by the plan. To find out for sure, talk to a customer service representative for the insurer that offers your health insurance plan.

Older Americans who are covered by Medicare won’t find Staxyn or other impotence drugs covered under Medicare’s Part D prescription drug plan, which is an optional add-on. According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Part D explicitly excludes coverage of “drugs when used for treatment of sexual or erectile dysfunction, unless such agents are used to treat a condition, other than sexual or erectile dysfunction, for which the agents have been approved by the FDA.”

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