Is penile prosthesis implant surgery expensive?
Most men with erectile dysfunction are successfully treated with oral medications. Those for whom oral medications are contraindicated, or for whom the pills don’t work also have other options. Injectable therapy with drugs like Caverject is another possibility, as is a penile prosthesis.
If you’re not a good candidate for Viagra or other first line treatments for erectile dysfunction, don’t give up because other options are available.
Depending on the type of implant chosen, the surgery costs up to $20,000, which would include the surgeon’s fee, fees for anesthesia, the cost of the implant, and operating room fees. Medicare will cover penile implant surgery, as will many private insurers. Private insurers, however, are likely to require pre-certification prior to covering the surgery, so it’s essential that patients talk to their insurers before arranging to have penile implant surgery.
Assuming the surgery costs $20,000, how much of that is covered by your insurer will depend on whether you have met your yearly deductible, and what percentage of costs your plan covers after meeting your deductible.
Penile prosthesis surgery is expensive, but many insurance plans offer coverage for it.