Could my erectile dysfunction be a warning sign of something worse?
Erectile dysfunction. Just the term is enough to send shivers down a man’s spine. After all, suddenly losing the ability to achieve an erection can be one of the scariest things to happen to a man, and the thought of never being able to consistently get your little guy up again can leave men shaking in their boots. But while ED might be scary, it certainly isn’t deadly. But it can serve as a warning sign for issues within your body that could ultimately prove lethal.
While ED doesn’t have any true warning signs for its arrival, erectile dysfunction can serve as a red flag for other internal issues. As the erection depends upon steady blood flow, when ED rears its ugly head it can sometimes be seen as a warning sign for cardiovascular issues. Cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis (also known as the hardening of the arteries), high blood pressure, and heart disease can all impede blood flow, which translates into the body being unable to supply the penis with blood, which means no erections.
That’s not to say every man with erectile dysfunction has cardiovascular issues, and vice versa. But if a man finds himself unable to achieve an erection time and time again, it would be wise to visit a doctor and get a check-up to make sure everything internally is working like it should.
While losing your erection can be scary and embarrassing, it may be the wake up call you need to catch potentially fatal cardiovascular issues before they get worse. So, in a roundabout way, your erectile dysfunction may end up saving your life.